How to Expire a Session After Some Times of User Inactivity in PHP?


You’ve a secure admin panel. You want to add an option that will automatically log you out after 15 minutes of your inactivity.


We can accomplish the task in two steps-

Step 1: Initialize a timer variable while you login

In your login verification page, add a session variable that will hold the login time. For this, you can add the following line –

    $_SESSION[‘last_acted_on’] = time();

Save the time you login in the last_acted_on session variable. Here, time() function provides the current time.

Step 2: Check time difference with every click

After login when you click any link, check the time difference between the current time and the time saved in the last_acted_on session variable. If it is more than fifteen minutes, destroy the session variable and log you out. If not, update the session variable value with the new current time.

if( isset($_SESSION[‘last_acted_on’]) && (time() – $_SESSION[‘last_acted_on’] > 60*15) ){
session_unset();     // unset $_SESSION variable for the run-time
session_destroy();   // destroy session data in storage
header(‘Location: path/to/login/page’);
$_SESSION[‘last_acted_on’] = time();


Line: 2
It checks whether last_acted_on session variable contains a value ( isset($_SESSION[‘last_acted_on’] ) ). If it does, the inactivity time (in seconds) is calculated subtracting last active time ($_SESSION[‘last_acted_on’]) from the current time ( time() ).  Then it checks If this time difference is more than 15 minutes.Line: 3
if you’re inactive for more than 15 minutes, then free all the specified session variables and, then,

Line: 4
destroy all the session data that stored, and at last,

Line: 5
redirect this page to the login page.

Line: 7
if you took action within last 15 minutes, regenerate new session id with session_regenerate_id(true) function (Here, true parameter deletes the old session id which helps to prevent session fixation attack) and,

Line: 8
then, set the current time in the last_acted_on session variable.

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