PHP Curly Braces: How and When to Use it?


You might have seen the usages of curly braces in different coding(ex. wordpress). You’re interested to learn it.


In the following discussion, you’ll learn what a curly brace means in PHP and when to use it.

What is a PHP curly braces

You know that a string can be specified in four different ways. Two of these ways are – double quote(“”) and heredoc syntax. You can define variable in those 2 types of string and PHP interpreter will parse or interpret that variable too.

Now, there are two ways you can define a variable in a string – simple syntax which is the most used method of defining variable inside a string and complex syntax which uses curly braces to define variables.

Curly braces syntax

To use a variable using curly braces is very easy. Just wrap the variable with { and } like -{$variable_name}

Note: There must not be any gap between { and $. Else, PHP interpreter can’t consider the string after $ as a variable.

Curly braces example

Now, see an example of curly braces below-

$lang = “PHP”;
echo “You are learning to use curly braces in {$lang}.”;

You are learning to use curly braces in PHP.

When to use curly braces

When you’re defining a variable inside a string, it might mix up with other characters when you’re using simple syntax to define a variable and will produce error. See the example below-

$var = "way";
echo "Two $vars to defining variable in a string.";

Notice: Undefined variable: vars …

In the above example, PHP interpreter considers $vars a variable, but, the variable is $lang. To separate a variable name and the other characters inside a string, you can use curly braces. Now, see the above example using curly braces-

$var = "way";
echo "Two {$var}s to defining variable in a string.";

Two ways to defining variable in a string.

One Reply to “PHP Curly Braces: How and When to Use it?”

  1. In the second-last “Output” section, you say “but, the variable is $lang”. Actually, the variable is $var.

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