How to Remove Duplicate Values from an Array in PHP?


You have an array which has duplicate values. You want to make the array unique deleting the duplicate values.


Use array_unique() function. It removes duplicate values from the array and makes it a unique one.

The code:

$week_days = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Subday");
$week_days = array_unique($week_days);
foreach($week_days as $key => $value)
echo "[$key] = $value" . "<br />";

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[0] = Monday
[1] = Tuesday
[3] = Wednesday
[4] = Thursday
[5] = Friday
[6] = Saturday

How it works:
The array $week_days has two “Tuesday”. array_unique() function removes second value and return the array.

Serialize Array Keys

If you look carefully in the output above, you’ll see that the resulting array has no index [2]. The duplicate value was in this key which was removed by the array_unique() function. That means, array_unique() function preserves elements’ keys after removing duplicate values.

If you want to index the keys serially, use array_values() function. See the following code-

$week_days = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Subday");
$week_days = array_values(array_unique($week_days));
foreach($week_days as $key => $value)
echo "[$key] = $value" . "<br />";

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[0] = Monday
[1] = Tuesday
[2] = Wednesday
[3] = Thursday
[4] = Friday
[5] = Saturday
[6] = Subday

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