How to Get Random element(s) From an Array in PHP?


You’ve an array which has some elements. You want to pick one (or more) item randomly each time from the array.



You can use array_rand() function. array_rand() function randomly selects one or more items from an array and actually returns corresponding key(s) of the selected item(s). See the following examples-

To select one random item from the Array-

$abc = array(22, 3, 45, 476, 120, 786);
$random_key = array_rand($abc);
echo $abc[$random_key];

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45 (you may get different number)

How it works:
As we’ve not mentioned the second parameter in the above array_rand() function, it randomly selectes just one item (here, it is 45) from the $abc[] array and returns its key (which is 2 here). To print the that key, we use $abc[$random_key]; You could also mention 1 in the second parameter which brings the same result.


 To select multiple random items from the Array –

$abc = array(22, 3, 45, 476, 120, 786);
$random_key_arr = array_rand($abc, 2);
echo $abc[$random_key_arr[0]] . "<br />";
echo $abc[$random_key_arr[1]] . "<br />";

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22 (you may get different value)120 (you may get different value)

How it works:
When you mention a number which is greater than 1 in the second parameter of the array_rand() function, it randomly selects that number of items and returns their keys as an array. In the above example, the returned keys are 0 and 4. And, at last, we used the keys to print those items.


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