How to Find if an Array is Indexed or Associative in PHP?


You have an array which has some elements inside. You want to check whether the array is an associative array or an indexed array.


If any of the keys inside an array is a string, we’ll consider this as an associative array; otherwise, it is an indexed/sequential/numeric array. To test this, we’ll go through the following steps-

  1. Retrieving all the keys from the array, we’ll make a new array. (using array_keys() function)
  2. Test if the first value of the new array is a string (using is_string() function)
  3. Repeat this string test to all the elements (using array_map() function)
  4. If at least one value is string, then it is an associative array (using in_array() function).


$test = array(100, 2, "Sunday", 50, 999);
echo in_array(1, array_map(‘is_string’, array_keys($test))) ? "An associative array" : "An sequential(indexed) array";

echo "<br />";

$test = array(100, 2, "day"=> "Sunday", 50, 999);
echo in_array(1, array_map(‘is_string’, array_keys($test))) ? "An associative array" : "An sequential(indexed) array";

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An sequential(indexed) array
An associative array

How it works:
Taking all the keys of the $test[] array, array_keys() function creates an array. Note that the elements/values of the new array are now the keys of the $test[] array.The array_map() function applies is_string() function to all the elements of the new array. In other words, every element of the new array will be tested if it is a string. If the function finds any of the values as a string then it will return 1(true), otherwise 0(false). With these values(0 or 1), another array will be created.

With the in_array() function we’ll check if there is a 1 inside the array. If founds then it is an associative array, otherwise indexed/numeric array.

Note: This solution can only work on uni-dimensional array, not on multi-dimensional array.

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